In close quarters, you don't stand a chance against me." Venom: "Disguising your line of sight is a good strategy, but prehaps you should have looked for an escape route.Johnny (post- Revelator): "They say gamblers wager their pride in battle, Well, I've put my country's pride and my own life on the line.Blind faith, however, may become the foundation of your demise." Baiken (post- Rev 2): "Belief gives strength to those with conviction.Axl: "An excellent defense means you'll never lose, but you'll never find victory if you aren't prepared to die.".Each attack is another opening you give me." Millia: "An opponent with so many close-range attacks does not frighten me.Zato: "I do not adapt my strategy to your attacks, and I will not give you time to adapt to mine.Chipp: "It is good to have confidence in your own abilities, but if you rely too much on them you will overlook their faults.".All I need is focus to see through your facade." Faust: "Act strange as you like, but you can't hide the core of your style.I apologize if you take offense, but I have made my choice."
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I-No: "You should choose your opponents with care.Zappa: "What an impressive feat! I acknowledge your guts, but this battle is mine.".Bridget: "What brilliance and tenacity! I can't call your determination mere child's play anymore.".Slayer: "It's not how many skills you possess it's what's in your heart that determines the result.".If you've found your comrades, you should go with them." Dizzy: "I'll dispense with formalities.Robo-Ky: "What!? A machine!? Impossible! I hear they're having trouble making AI in my country.I think I'll take your head back.".

Order-Sol (post- Slash): "Ohhh, you're not bad at all! But you're still not good enough to beat me.".Note: Quotes against self, Sol, Ky, May, Faust, Chipp, Eddie/Zato, Millia, Axl, Kliff, Baiken, Testament, Justice, Johnny, Venom, Anji, Jam are the same as in Guilty Gear X. Master has his own ideas.but we will not let you down." Jam: "An ambitious fist can defeat any weapon, but you've shown me that gender has no bearing on integrity.".I haven't had this much fun in a long time." Anji: "It's refreshing to see someone like you who fights with such childlike glee.Venom: "Regardless of the strength of its current, no stream can keep the salmon from returning home.Johnny: "Your sword skills are devastating, but you talk way too much.".Justice: "I am sorry, but mankind must survive.".Testament: "You have an interesting technique, but unless you put your heart into it you'll never defeat me.".Baiken: "Those eyes know what it means to fight to the death.Kliff: "Those techniques! Such boldness! You showed no signs of aging.Axl: "Don't you have a sense of crisis? You will never be able to beat me if you don't fight seriously.".Millia: "I'm not used to three-dimensional battles, so I couldn't quite pace myself.Are you OK?".Zato: "Leave me! I can't stand the sight of someone who has no honor or dignity.".Chipp: "The will to never give up is admirable, but it's still good to know when to quit.".Faust: "What a fighting style! There was no hesitation at all.A difficult battle indeed.".May: "Don't stare at me like I'm some mythical beast.".I will always accept a request for a rematch." I'll never lose to someone who doesn't have anything to protect!" There isn't enough room in this world for two of us." Self: "You're a fool if you thought you could deceive me.Chipp: "If you value your pride, don't challenge me again.".Kliff: "After this tournament, I will pay for my sins.".Axl: "I'm not used to long-range bouts.Millia: "Usually, I'd never harm a woman.".Zato: "Your cheap tricks have no effect on me.".Baldhead: "Those who can't even master themselves have no chance.".Self: "I never imagined there were others that were like me.".